Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One year in Logan

So I realized that I have been a loganite now for 363 days--that caused me to think for a bit about the past year, so without further delay--here is my last year in summary.

I started a new job--which has helped me master excel and given me opportunities to grow in the business world and face new challenges.

I ran two marathons, two half marathons, two relay races and a handful of 5k or 10k races. (although I do not run fast, I still do them, which is saying something considering last year at this time I was still just a couch potato).

I purchased my first, second and third (I'm saving those for when my second die, I got them for a bargain) pair of running shoes. many a pair of running socks and 3 pair of compression socks--my latest pair are bright green, for some reason I feel like the wicked which from the west when I wear them--is that healthy?

I transfered schools and aced a semester here in Logan.

I started building a house, and its coming along nicely (I will post pictures someday...)

I have mastered the commute from Logan to Provo including the dreaded Sardine Canyon (this includes putting 20,000 miles on my car--roughly $2,200.00 in gas, no wonder I'm poor) zoom-zoom.

I have found some of the Logan culture including some good local restaurants such as Indian Oven, La Tormenta and the Italian Place--not to be confused with the franchised version.

I have spend too much on lottery tickets from La Tienda.

I have baked my first loaf of white bread, wheat bread and pumkin bread.

I made my first pumpkin pies all by myself.

I have started my own little craft business with steam-punk jewelry and necklaces.

I have started going to a gym--mostly just to run, but I, for the first time have a membership.

I have gotten to know some of my extended family a lot better,which has been great!

I had strep throat, not so great.

I made my first visit to Bear Lake and Mack's Inn (in Idaho)

I bought my first fishing license and went fishing with my brother and sisters for the first time as a group.

I purchased many 'necessities' including a washer and dryer, TV, bluray, tivo, couch, table, chairs, computer, 2TB hard drive and ipod (the other reason why I am so poor).

I joined the netflix craze.

I joined battlenet--yay for starcraft and online gaming.

I read five non text book/non religious books.

I fell in love with Costa Vida and Spoon Me, which happen to be next door neighbors in Logan.

I lost two people that I really respected and appreciated in my life from my mission who passed away due to illness. They were from the same branch--my last area where I served for almost a year.

I saw each of my family members move forward and progress with their lives and felt part of the joy they felt as they lived life.

Most of all, I have become a happier person with myself and more optimistic about the future (key word is more--I'm still a pessimist but I'm working on it.)

Thanks for a great year and reading my blog--lets see what 2011 will bring.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How firm a foundation

So they have poured the footings for my house. I am pretty excited. Plus, working in the construction industy helps out because I get updates on what they will be doing next and when at work. :) I wish it was done already, it would be a great christmas present, but it looks like it will be more of a birthday present when its finished. I can't wait. Bring it on, I wanna paint, well that and buy a dog....

Monday, November 8, 2010

Buiding a House

So I decided to build a house. More details to follow :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Narnia and the cold

So....In preparation for the winter line up of great movies (TRON, Harry Potter and Narnia) I decided i should read the Narnia books. So I started them about 2 weeks ago. I have now read the magician's nephew, Lion Witch and wardrobe and am halfway through the Horse and His Boy. Its been fun--I've never read them before, so its been a good experience. Yay for Narnia--Its cold up here, I think that the white witch has moved to logan--I put up my christmas trees in defense--take that Jadis.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Officially Cold and Dark

So something happened during the past few weeks. Logan is quickly moving past the 'fall' stage and entering into the long winter. Today it was in the twenties.....yes that's right, butt cold. It is dark when I get up and go to work and is dark when I go to my night class. Why on earth does the sun set at 6 PM. In honor of this horrible transition, I made me bean and ham soup. I remember my grandpa making it alot when i was a kid, so I was up till one cooking beans.

The added darkness has caused running problems as well. I got all ready to go running after work, i went online and found me a good route to train on. I got changed, put on my running clothes and shoes, stretched, found my ipod, got that set, opened the door, and yes, darkness. I changed clothes from my dark running clothes to lighter ones, but then thought better of it and went to the gym instead of running outside. I hate running on a treadmill. Come back fall, why did you have to go so soon. I am serious though, my christmas tree goes up here soon. The next snow storm we get, its up--I've already busted out the manheim steamrollers and Amy Grant.

Logan/Winter--you are officially on notice...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

St. George Marathon and randomness

So St. George Marathon is in one week, 9 days to more accurate....I just finished my econ test at USU yesterday so I should be pretty good to go for the last few days of training before the acual run. I think tonight i am going for 10 miles and I have heard rumors that my sisters and I are going to do 15-20 this weekend, which will be good :).

In other news, I have started being a little crafty. I have made some leather necklaces and leather rings in the past few months but now have shifted on a few new projects. My mom has loaned me her trusty 1960's bernina so i feel pretty vintage crafty :). I am working on some wristbands and they look pretty cool if i say so myself. I also am covering some military size Book of Mormons ( i know i know, its supposed to be copies of the book of mormon not books of mormon or book of mormons, oh well, deal with it)with leather, they look pretty cool.

I also have gotten into steampunk jewelry. I have found a ton of old watches that I will shortly be making into rings and other things. Steam punk stuff is super cool to me right now. I hopefully will start to get pictures posted--that's a project for another day.....

Thats all the news for Logan, the days are getting shorter, the trees have changed colors, Its gotten to be very 'brisk' in the mornings. It is definately time for warm apple cider each morning and stew in the evening. . . . I need to get me some of that. I love fall.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So like everybody and their dog (speaking of dogs i want one, an Alaskan Huskie) has done LOTOJA up here. For anyone who reads this that doesn't know what LOTOJA is its a bike race from LOgan TO JAckson hole, wyoming. I have this horrible urge to do this next year. I've pulled out the trusty CTR missionary bike I had and have it reassembled. The St. George Marathon is in two weeks, then I think training for LOTOJA will begin. With any luck I will live through this experience and be one step closer to doing an Iron man the following year. I mean, if the world ends in 2012, I may as well kill myself that year with an Ironman right? I will just have to thug my aunt and uncle's pool so I can get the swimming down.

Life is crazy--I need a dog.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So it was 38 this morning as i came to work--I think I am going to set up my Christmas tree soon....If its going to be cold, it may as well be Christmas!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


So i am all set now for USU. I signed for a management class and and econ class. I went yesterday and bought books. The bookstore is in the basement....scary---not like BYU where it takes up three floors. They also didn't have a huge selection of hoodies which was disappointing. I wanted to buy one, but everything was $60 and i didn't fall in love with any of it. So i still dont show aggie pride yet. Between my parking pass, ID card and books I dropped $400 yesterday--looks like i better start eating Ramen--grrrr. Why is schooling so expensive?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Winter Already?!?!?

So i moved up here in December--it was freezing cold all the time. Finally in June it warmed up enough that you no longer needed a coat--July was hot. August...well the past few days--its been super cold in the mornings--it seems like winter is on its way. What a crazy world. I'm all about the christmas trees and presents but im not ready for cold yet, its still only August!! What's going on...

Thursday, August 5, 2010


for the record, i finally went running again. It was a first time in a long time, but since the Top Of Utah and St. George races are coming up, i figured it was time to kick it in gear. I am a believer in the ipod running technique which is as follows. Put in da skull candies, turn up lady gaga on full blast and then run, flailing your arms and sidestepping to the beat. I try not to do this in public unless i am around my family--so you would all be proud of me that i, in fact, did not dance to 'telephone' today while i was running on the treadmill in the gym...but know this, i was sorely tempted to, but i exercised restraint and i succeeded--we shall see if i am as successful in the top of utah half......

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Top Of Utah

So I just signed up to do the top of Utah Half Marathon---I am still debating about doing the full. Wish me luck with this chance to experience logan in a long hot and painful way ;)

Friday, July 2, 2010



Here is a logan update from the up and coming Loganite

Today I got accepted into USU--I am on my way to becoming a true loganite--or at least a true aggie. ;) yes i know what that means. I also am improving my relationship with walmart--since i have two of them and no targets. Me and always low prices are becoming pretty good buds.

Other business news: Spoon me and Costa Vida--are my favorite places up here--Although I must make a complaint against Spoon Me. Its operating hours on Saturday are until midnight, i went there at 11:30 and they had already locked the door and the two girls working that night where just in their flirting with what i assume to be their boyfriends.


I just wanted some ice cream. Not to be shafted by High School love. (been there done that, maybe this true aggie thing is overrated)

Spoon me, you lost a customer that night, i will return, but i better be able to get my acai berry with raspberries, blackberries and strawberries or i will have to go join the Sub Zero Clan--i have been told its just as good.......consider yourself warned.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Heart America

So the other day I was driving home from work and saw something that made me grateful to be an American. Standing there on the corner was a Little Caesar's Pizza guy, you know, the ones that stand out in front and have a sign and try to distract you from driving. Yeah, he was there waving his sign and dancing and all of that. He was going to town! It was a rather impressive display, then when he was done, in a very dramatic way he just paused and pointed at the other corner. Naturally I had to look, I'm a Utah driver, I get distracted easily. Anyway, what to my wandering eye should appear, but a cross-dressing man dressed up as Lady Liberty break dancing. The contest was on!
I sat there for a few minutes (I was waiting for the light to change color, I wasn't blocking traffic, just for the record) and watched those two go at it. It was definitely a dance off at the corner. I wished that someone had been there to be the judge and decide if they as a consumer should now feel more inclined to get their taxes done or get a pizza. Either way, it looks like one way or another we will render to Caesar that which is Caesar's. It seemed like a great new Fox reality TV show (so if someone takes this idea, I want part of the royalties) "So you think you can street advertise." or "Dancing with the Cars". I don't know, I'm sure a clever title will be created. Either way, all I know is, I love America.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Its all how you look at it

The other day I overheard a conversation between a loganite and a prestonite. They were talking about how great Preston, ID is and how much they love it there. The conversation soon turned to the loganite detailing their concern about moving to such a large city like Logan. I was amazed as they talked about their concern about living in such a big city as I had a similar conversation with my family a few months ago about my concern about moving to such a small town like Logan. I guess when it comes down to it, its all in how you look at it.

Monday, February 1, 2010

After six weeks in Logan, I finally have decided I am bored enough that I need to get a hobby. My brother convinced all my siblings and I to run a marathon in the fall. We will see how that goes. In the hopes of actually doing this, I decided to join a gym.
Well, they made me come in and take a tour. I felt like I was in the Brian Reagan stand up gig. 'This is for your flactoids..." Anyway, I finally got all signed up--it took a long time so i didn't have time to run on the treadmill; I ran to Burger King instead. I think I'm making great progress in being more fit. Its the thought that counts right?