This year, we ran it again. My brother and younger sister ran it with me. They came up the night before, we got our packets, went to our local Olive Garden with my cousins family. (While waiting, we saw a jetta with a deer head out of the sun roof) All in all an enjoyable night.
We got up the next morning and jeeped over to the starting line where we stood in line. Race mornings are something that you have to be a part of to really appreciate. Anyway, we stood there with 2500 other runners waiting to board school buses to be driven 13.1 miles away and released.
It was a cool morning. A great morning to run. The canyon was cool. The rose behind us as we wound back into town. Hundred of people lined the finish line as you ran in.
To sum up. Watch out for deer while you eat, run the Top of Utah race. Support your cities races.