Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One year in Logan

So I realized that I have been a loganite now for 363 days--that caused me to think for a bit about the past year, so without further delay--here is my last year in summary.

I started a new job--which has helped me master excel and given me opportunities to grow in the business world and face new challenges.

I ran two marathons, two half marathons, two relay races and a handful of 5k or 10k races. (although I do not run fast, I still do them, which is saying something considering last year at this time I was still just a couch potato).

I purchased my first, second and third (I'm saving those for when my second die, I got them for a bargain) pair of running shoes. many a pair of running socks and 3 pair of compression socks--my latest pair are bright green, for some reason I feel like the wicked which from the west when I wear them--is that healthy?

I transfered schools and aced a semester here in Logan.

I started building a house, and its coming along nicely (I will post pictures someday...)

I have mastered the commute from Logan to Provo including the dreaded Sardine Canyon (this includes putting 20,000 miles on my car--roughly $2,200.00 in gas, no wonder I'm poor) zoom-zoom.

I have found some of the Logan culture including some good local restaurants such as Indian Oven, La Tormenta and the Italian Place--not to be confused with the franchised version.

I have spend too much on lottery tickets from La Tienda.

I have baked my first loaf of white bread, wheat bread and pumkin bread.

I made my first pumpkin pies all by myself.

I have started my own little craft business with steam-punk jewelry and necklaces.

I have started going to a gym--mostly just to run, but I, for the first time have a membership.

I have gotten to know some of my extended family a lot better,which has been great!

I had strep throat, not so great.

I made my first visit to Bear Lake and Mack's Inn (in Idaho)

I bought my first fishing license and went fishing with my brother and sisters for the first time as a group.

I purchased many 'necessities' including a washer and dryer, TV, bluray, tivo, couch, table, chairs, computer, 2TB hard drive and ipod (the other reason why I am so poor).

I joined the netflix craze.

I joined battlenet--yay for starcraft and online gaming.

I read five non text book/non religious books.

I fell in love with Costa Vida and Spoon Me, which happen to be next door neighbors in Logan.

I lost two people that I really respected and appreciated in my life from my mission who passed away due to illness. They were from the same branch--my last area where I served for almost a year.

I saw each of my family members move forward and progress with their lives and felt part of the joy they felt as they lived life.

Most of all, I have become a happier person with myself and more optimistic about the future (key word is more--I'm still a pessimist but I'm working on it.)

Thanks for a great year and reading my blog--lets see what 2011 will bring.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How firm a foundation

So they have poured the footings for my house. I am pretty excited. Plus, working in the construction industy helps out because I get updates on what they will be doing next and when at work. :) I wish it was done already, it would be a great christmas present, but it looks like it will be more of a birthday present when its finished. I can't wait. Bring it on, I wanna paint, well that and buy a dog....