Friday, June 24, 2011

My House

My house is getting so close to being done. I am excited to post more about it, maybe even a pic or two. Today they painted the doors, the other day the graded the lot. Now its not as much of a construction zone that I live in. It looks a lot more like a house. A few weeks ago, I planted a few pots to get some color to the yard. This is what they look like. I'm still fooling around with my camera.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Cheese Factory

So my sister and I went on an adventure. Cache Valley has at least two Cheese plants that I am aware of. And, what luck, I live super close to them. So we braved the roads, which somehow all major thoroughfares in Logan seem to be under construction at the same time....and went to the cheese factory.

Favorite thing:

Cheap Cheese--I like cheese, my sister LOVES cheese. Fortunately you can by a ton of cheese for cheap. We bought Parmesan, Sharp, Cheddar, Muenster, Bleu, Curds and Ice cream. Yay for cheese. Good thing we go running or we would be super fat.

Least Favorite Thing:

Shelf Stable Milk--Ok, I thought, hey, I should buy me some milk at the cheese land. Well, you would be wrong to think that a cheese factory sells milk as you and I know it with all their other dairy products. They only sell shelf Stable milk--which I think is criminal. The only t.ime this was ever present in my life was when I lived in Texas and a hurricane came through. The military gave out rations which included shelf stable thanks.

If you are in Logan, you should hit up a cheese factory--its fun, cheap and supports local farmers and industry.

Well there's my two cents. I still want to go to the Fat boy factory.....mmmm... ice cream.