Thursday, August 26, 2010


So i am all set now for USU. I signed for a management class and and econ class. I went yesterday and bought books. The bookstore is in the basement....scary---not like BYU where it takes up three floors. They also didn't have a huge selection of hoodies which was disappointing. I wanted to buy one, but everything was $60 and i didn't fall in love with any of it. So i still dont show aggie pride yet. Between my parking pass, ID card and books I dropped $400 yesterday--looks like i better start eating Ramen--grrrr. Why is schooling so expensive?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Winter Already?!?!?

So i moved up here in December--it was freezing cold all the time. Finally in June it warmed up enough that you no longer needed a coat--July was hot. August...well the past few days--its been super cold in the mornings--it seems like winter is on its way. What a crazy world. I'm all about the christmas trees and presents but im not ready for cold yet, its still only August!! What's going on...

Thursday, August 5, 2010


for the record, i finally went running again. It was a first time in a long time, but since the Top Of Utah and St. George races are coming up, i figured it was time to kick it in gear. I am a believer in the ipod running technique which is as follows. Put in da skull candies, turn up lady gaga on full blast and then run, flailing your arms and sidestepping to the beat. I try not to do this in public unless i am around my family--so you would all be proud of me that i, in fact, did not dance to 'telephone' today while i was running on the treadmill in the gym...but know this, i was sorely tempted to, but i exercised restraint and i succeeded--we shall see if i am as successful in the top of utah half......